How Did We Get Here

Two girls on their back porch getting lost in a maze of all their thoughts

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Inner Monologues

Thursday Nov 05, 2020

Thursday Nov 05, 2020

We are excited to announce that we have entered the SponsorMeHoney contest to win a sponsorship from!
This episode, we delve the topic of inner monologues and get lost in thought as we think about our thoughts. 
Did you know some people visualize their thoughts as pictures, others think in words, and some people don't have an inner monologue at all? 
We discuss the similarities and differences between our inner monologues...

Thursday Oct 29, 2020

We discuss the concept of free will in films like Bandersnatch from the Black Mirror series created by Charlie Brooker and Midsommar by Ari Aster...
Hope you all enjoy our first episode!
Don't mind the poor microphone quality in the beginning! Sorry about that!! Promise we fixed it <3

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